

Keynote at RubyConf India 2019

In 2017 I became the CTO of shaadi.com. Previously the biggest team I had managed was 7 people. Now I found myself in charge of 125 developers at a scaled up organiation. I had to learn a lot and learn fast. And one day I had an epiphany – that the organisation is a computer and that management is programming. In this talk I go into some ideas about how to scale the ‘carbon based wetware’ that is the human brain.

Keynote at RubyConf Thailand 2022

One of my guiding principles of work is the idea that work should feel amazing. Ecstatic even. But to what extent can this principle be applied in the real world? Many millenia ago, wise people explored this concept as it applies to an individual. In this talk I explore what they might have to say about the design of a modern technology organisation.

Scaler Pod 2022

A freewheeling discussion about technology, management, philosophy and sabbaticals.

Writing on the Internet

In which I talk about Inkling. Inkling is the first writing platform designed for writing, marketing and selling books on the Internet.